About the dictionary
Based on the boQwI' dictionary data version 2024.12.08a.
Example queries:
Hegh | Searches for entries that contain the Klingon word "Hegh" in their title |
kill | Searches for entries that contain the English word "kill" in their definition or search tags |
tlh:"'e' yI" | Searches for entries that contain the Klingon text "'e' yI" with a space (complex imperative sentences) |
pos:name | Searches for entries that have the part of speech tag "name" |
if pos:suff | Searches for "if" in entries that have the part of speech tag "suff" |
pos:v pos:deriv | Searches for verb entries that have the part of speech tag "deriv" |
components:-pu' components:-mey | Searches for entries that have both -pu' and -mey in their components field (sentences that contain both suffixes) |
components:-pu' OR components:-mey | Searches for entries that have either -pu' or -mey (or both) in their components field |
Available operators:
tlh: | Entry name |
en: | English definition and search tags |
de: | German definition and search tags |
pt: | Portuguese definition and search tags |
fi: | Finnish definition and search tags |
sv: | Swedish definition and search tags |
pos: | Contained in the part of speech tags |
notes: | English notes |
ex: | English examples |
components: | Contained in the components list |
synonym: | Contained in the synonym list |
antonym: | Contained in the antonym list |
see: | Contained in the see also list |
AND | Require both conditions to be true (default) |
OR | Require one of the conditions to be true |
NOT | Inverse condition |